Life As I Know It

Life As I Know It

Friday, November 23, 2012

Our Miracle

Baby T is a baby GIRL!!!!  We found out last week that this little life inside of me is growing, maturing, and is very active!  I do not want to forget anything about this pregnancy, so keeping track of everything is so important to me...

I felt my first flutters of movement on November 4th and she is has been a mover ever since!  To see her wiggling and kicking on the ultrasound is beyond amazing.  I can't feel all her movements yet, so to watch her is such a special moment.  Seeing your baby growing at this stage of life is incredible.  For those who know me, I love Little House on the did the women back then go 9 months knowing nothing about their baby.  In some ways I guess it would be an exciting surprise, but I don't like surprises...I'm an "I want all the details, right now" girl! :)  Our little one seems to like out of the ordinary positions in her little home.  At our ultrasound a few weeks ago she was sitting straight up and down, last week she was upside down!  Whatever floats her boat!  This last scan was an anatomy scan, so once again we got to see everything:  face, brain, heart, liver, kidneys, spine, arms, legs, feet, hands, umbilical cord, and placenta.  Her bones are developing so much now, we could see each bone of her spine.  I saw her little foot push up against my belly and got a view of all the tiny bones.  She apparantely likes to lay with her arm up by her head (her mom likes to do that too).  We saw her 4 chamber heart beating perfectly.  We saw the two hemispheres of her brain.  We saw the umblicial cord light up with the blood running through it.  I could go on and on, but all that is to say I have a true miracle growing inside me.  She is growing right on track and is so healthy. 

God has taken Griff and I down a bumpy road to get here, but let me tell you looking back now I have learned so much and can see how he was preparing me for this pregnancy and to be a mom in April.  Griff and I are so thankful to each of you who have prayed for this little girl.  She is going to be so loved by so many people! 

I guess the best things in life are truly worth the wait.


  1. So sweet! I wish I would have been better about.writing everything down! you think you will never forget but you definitely do! keep up the blogging you will be so happy you did! I am so excited for you to be a mommy! you'll be great!

  2. So sweet! I wish I would have been better about.writing everything down! you think you will never forget but you definitely do! keep up the blogging you will be so happy you did! I am so excited for you to be a mommy! you'll be great!
