I know without a doubt, 100% certainty, that October 24, 2012 will go on my calendar as of now as the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! I woke up anxious and nervous for our ultrasound. We have never gotten this far in a pregnancy but after looking at so many ultrasound pictures online I had a pretty good idea of what we should be seeing. As soon as the ultrasound started I saw the most amazing BABY growing inside of me. Up until this point we have seen what look like blobs, flickers, and unfortunately sometimes emptiness. This time we saw a baby forming and growing and moving! He or she was sitting upright and had their very long legs crossed! After 2 techs and a doctor all gave it a shot to have that shy little munchkin move into a better position, we still don't know if we will be buying pink or blue. But that's fine with me...all I care about is that we left hearing the most incredible words..."although stubborn, you have a very healthy baby!" Nothing better!
Being a first time mom, I do not want to forget anything about this pregnancy and no better place to keep our love story than on here! When the ultrasound started I will admit I had a brief moment of shear panic when I saw the baby had grown, but was not moving. Griff saw the heartbeat before I did, but I told the tech I really needed to know what the heartrate was. They laughed and said not to worry...little munchkin was just sleeping. Healthy heartrate of 158! All of a sudden the little guy or girl did what looked like a reverse mule kick and was up and moving! That little back arched, those long legs stretched out, and the hands started rubbing their eyes. Cutest thing I have ever seen! We even got a little wave! :) Due to the nature of the ultrasound we got to watch our little one on the screen for about an hour...most amazing hour of my life...truly! We saw the spine, the brain, the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hands, feet, arms, legs, big ol' belly, kidneys, carotid artery, heart, and cutest little profile!
Part of the appointment also included bloodwork. I had this appointment for genetic testing purposes. As devastating as it would be, a genetic problem would not change our love for this child in the least. The reason we chose to have this testing done was for other reasons-in conjuction with genetic testing they also looked at my placenta and can determine if there are any risk factors for my body down the road as we get closer to delivery. As I was typing this I got the call with my test results. PERFECT! Our chances of genetic issues are in the 1:10,000 range and my bloodwork came back great! All signs pointing to a very healthy baby and mom!
It is hard to believe, but my love for this baby keeps growing everyday. Just when I think I can't love him or her anymore, I do. I was such a proud mama on Wednesday I can't even explain. But more so than anything, I am so thankful. I was just laying on the table during the ultrasound saying "Thank you Lord over and over and over and over". He has blessed us beyond measure. He has directed every step of this pregnancy and answered every prayer. Although He brought us down a rough and bumpy road to get to this point, this child is so beyond worth it.
We would ask that you will continue to pray with us that this baby grows and matures exactly on track and that in just a few months we will be holding this most precious gift in our arms.
**Disclaimer...this is not our baby's ultrasound...Griff and I have decided to keep that private!**